jeudi 9 février 2012

Mengapa /?\

Dan akhirnya, yang ku lakukan hanya menghindar. Mencoba membuat dinding pembatas antara diriku dengan orang-orang.
Aku semakin tersudut dalam kesendirian, kehilangan cahaya harapan. Aku semakin takut berada di tengah-tengah kerumunan, takut rasa iri mengalahkan akal sehatku.
Aku semakin takut untuk melihat diriku sendiri, takut jika apa yg kulihat tak sesuai dengan apa yg ku harap.
Lalu, bisa apa aku sekarang?
Aku yg membuat benteng itu. Aku yg menjauhkan diriku. Mengapa aku merasa terluka? Mengapa aku merasa kosong? Mengapa aku merasa hampa?

Who am I?

"if you lose ur hope, you'll die"
A lot of people say that.
And now, i'm asking to myself, i'm wondering 'Do I have hope?' I don't know. I have a lot of dreams, wishes, desires. But, i might not be dare to hope it to be real.
I look to myself.
I look around.
I might be just a little baby girl. I am not strong enough to face this world.
I might be just a foolish-stubborn. I need help but i dont want to ask for it. I dont want to accept someone's help. I might be too arrogant to be a poor one. I don't know. I don't even know if you ask me 'who are you?' so, who am i? I really want to do something, but i do nothing. I have intention, but there's no action to do. What a _____! I can get off 'what if' 'why' from my mind. I almost being crazy. I think about suicide. But it won't help right? But what I can do??
I might be not as strong as I want.