mercredi 12 octobre 2022


The sweetest boy that came to my life

During my tough moments 

He made me laugh

He made me happy

He followed me around

He looked so charming and he was so clingy

He liked to hide to be found

When i called him

He came right away

Showing his tail up

And he looked happy

Sometimes he got clingy

And he came to me 

He showed a sign of pain

But he tried to hide it

He tried his best

I know until he couldn't handle it any longer

He already passed away

And it breaks my heart

But i also feel relieved that he is no longer in pain

Because he was suffering during his last moment 

And i couldn't stand seeing my cutest boy

The sweetest one


So i let him go

Hopefully he goes to a better place 

Note : if you are curious about Mia, kindly check on the link below. He was so adorable :) 

Mia's in memoriam

dimanche 5 juin 2022

Tea Festival 2022 at Pantjoran Tea House

Hello guys, 

How are you doing? Hope you are in a good condition wherever you are. 

Apparently, June has some festivals coming and i came to a Tea Festival event.

So, on 2nd day of June,  I went to Pantjoran Tea House, located at Glodok, close to the old Jakarta town and some ancient museums.

It was a nice and fun experience.

There, I saw a video about Gong Fu Cha ceremony or the Chinese Tea Ceremony* that is usually done for  sangjit/proposal tradition that has an objective to pay attribute to the elderly or to the people that we honoured.

What an interesting tradition to watch.

I also got the opportunity to try several tea variants.


They were :

1. Xi Hu Long Jing (a green tea - occasional/seasonal type of tea because this one only available once a year during the after tea festival period of time);

2. Jin Jun Mei (a red tea - that has a herbaly-flavour may be because of the plum content inside; it taste like a tea that we usually have at home);

3. Dong Ding Oolong (an oolong tea - it’s quite similar to the Jin Jum Mei, but this one is originated from Taiwan and it was planted close to the mount Dong Ding. It terms of flavour, I would say that this one also taste like a usual tea that we have at home but this one has a lighter taste compared to Jin Jun Mei, a very watery type of tea).


I also taught that every tea has its own way to absorb the heat when it’s brewed, that’s way the green tea and the other leaves put on different type of teapot. The green tea was placed at ceramic type of pot, while the other two were placed at a clay pot.


I also learned about some tea equipment that found interesting and it give me a sense of novelty in many things.

Sometimes we need to know how things are supposed to be done right, so we will be able to make the best out of them.  

An important lesson learnt.


And the other thing that I want to highlight is the cozy ambiance of the place. I spent hours there because the place was super comfy eventho’ the lightning could be made brighter but a dim light might support the ambiance better.



I also tried several foods there and they are quite tasty. The Seafood Fried Rice/Nasi Goreng Seafood taste like a typical Chinese fried rice with a delicious taste and I love it. The small portion is really perfect for a person, even more for me. I would rate this 4.5 out of 5.


I ordered the hot honey lemon for the beverage and it’s okay. A more sour-y lemon-y taste but the I can sense the honey scent that is so nice and sweet, eventho’ it’s quite sticky. As for this drink I would give 3.8 out of 5.


There are some variety of foods and beverages. And I also gave their side dishes (some dumplings  and dessert) a try. I tried the Klepon Pantjoran which unfortunately I’m not a big fan of. The Klepon has a very sweet suji/pandan leaf scent and looks good. But taste-wise, I’m quite disappointed because idk why but something is off. There was some kind of unpleasant bitterness in the Klepon that I don’t really like.


And then I also try the dumplings (three dumplings) and I had been loving it.

Eventho’ one dumpling that is made of glutinous rice cake/flour is too chewy for my liking, but I enjoyed the fillings.

So, last but not least, I would definitely recommend you to visit this place, especially with friends and family because I’m sure that you can have so much fun here and also good food. The ambiance is also comfy and cozy. Maybe the only thing that would be my concern is the place is quite small (well there are 3 floors or 2.5 floors but every spot is quite small and I don’t know if there is any parking spot available. There are some outdoor seating, but I’d prefer the inside.

Next, if you are looking for a place to shop tea merchandises or equipments, this is a perfect place to visit and find your tea souvenirs!  




And as for the transportation, it’s not quite far from the train station - Jakarta Kota station- and there is also a Transjakarta shelter - I don’t exactly know which one but the one that is located in front of Pasar Glodok I think is the closest from the place. Unfortunately, there is an ongoing development in the area, so it’s a bit noisy and not so comfortable to go through the alley if you are from the station. So, always be careful and stay healthy. Would really like to come back some other time.



Stay healthy to everyone!

Note : 

* : only reference video, not the video that i watched there 

All pictures are taken by myself. 

samedi 5 mars 2022

Sustainability on its way to Samsung Galaxy’s family #LocalLaunchGalaxyS22

Di tanggal 1 Maret lalu, saya mendapatkan undangan untuk menghadiri event Samsung #LocalLaunchGalaxyS22 yang berlangsung secara virtual. Event ini bertema The Epic New Rules! yang keseluruhan acaranya bisa di saksikan di kanal YouTube Samsung Indonesia.


Menurut saya, acara yang berlangsung selama 1 jam 47 menit dan 50 detik ini sangat menarik dan interaktif. Meskipun tidak ada interaksi secara langsung dengan penonton, tapi Rachel Tampubolon dan Edhozell selaku pembawa acara membawakan event dengan sangat baik.

Dalam acara daring ini juga banyak ditampilkan video - video menarik dari para seniman/public figures, seperti Najwa Shihab, Jerome Polin, Angga Dwimas Sasongko, Nagita Slavina, Sheila Dara, dan Randy Danistha yang membantu memperkenalkan fitur - fitu ciamik yang dimiliki perangkat Samsung Galaxy S22 series serta Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 yang sangat memudahkan tugas sehari - hari dan bisa saling terintegrasi antar perangkat.

Salah satu fitur menarik yang baru saya ketahui dari event ini adalah terkait In apps camera yang mana kamera asli peragkat bisa digunakan untuk mengambil foto/video untuk platform seperti Instagram, TikTok dan Snapchat, sehingga kualitas foto serta video yang dihasilkan semakin baik.  

Selain itu, ada juga special performance dari Raisa yang menyanyikan beberapa lagu asik dalam konser “Own the Night with Raisa” yang membuat orang - orang yang nonton pasti sing along :)

Bagian lain yang merupakan favorit saya adalah bagaimana perlindungan privacy yang semakin ditingkatkan di perangkat - perangkat baru dari Samsung Galaxy S22 series dan Samsung Galaxy Tab S8. Dalam video ditampilkan bahwa saat ini pengguna bisa memiliki opsi untuk akses yang diberikan ke suatu aplikasi. Hal ini saya rasa sangat penting dan membantu sekali agar pengguna lebih aware mengenai akses apa yang diminta suatu aplikasi dan apakah perlu akses tersebut diberikan.

Hal lainnya yang menarik perhatian saya dalam event ini adalah penjelasan terkait komitment Samsung untuk menjadi brand yang ingin ikut serta dalam pelestarian lingkungan dan juga planet Bumi tercinta ini.

Dalam virtual event video penjelasan, Samsung dikatakan menggunakan sisa jaring ikan yang sudah diolah sedemikian rupa untuk material perangkat mereka dan Samsung juga menggunakan 100% material yang bisa di daur ulang untuk box perangkat mereka. Dan untuk ke depannya, akan semakin banyak langkah - langkah yang akan Samsung ambil demi kelestarian Bumi ini. Semoga komitmen ini benar - benar bisa dilaksanakan secara nyata. Dan semakin memberikan banyak dampak positif untuk lingkungan dan generasi selanjutnya.

Selanjutnya, dalam tulisan ini saya juga ingin menjawab pertanyaan yang dikirimkan dalam surel undangan event dari tim Samsung Indonesia, “What would be my new rule for this year?” Jawaban saya adalah semoga saya bisa lebih banyak berpartisipasi dalam upaya - upaya yang mendukung kelestarian lingkungan. Sebab saya merasa krisis iklim yang sedang terjadi sudah semakin tidak terbendung lagi dan solusi nya adalah kesadaran bersama dari setiap para penghuni Planet ini untuk melakukan aksi - aksi yang memberi dampak positif untuk Bumi yang kita cintai. Seperti yang dikatakan dalam video event bahwa melindungi planet bukan pekerjaan solo, bukan pula kompetisi. Melindungi Bumi adalah tugas kita bersama karena Bumi ini adalah tempat tinggal kita semua.  


Last but not least, fitur yang sangat saya tunggu- tunggu adalah hadirnya S-Pen untuk seri S yang mana merupakan sesuatu yang tidak biasa karena biasanya hanya seri Note yang diberi S-Pen. So, if you are curious about this and you want to give it a hands on, you may come to Offline Consumer Launch yang sudah dimulai sejak tanggal 4 Maret 2022 ini.

Kalian bisa datang langsung ke store yang sudah ditetapkan untuk mencoba perangkat Samsung terbaru yang menarik minat kalian dan ikutan event nya juga. Ini adalah kesempatan yang bagus untuk tahu seberapa bagus kemampuan perangkat Samsung terbaru ini.

So, don’t miss it out guys!


See ya!