mardi 13 juillet 2021

Meditation Session with TGSI on 25/7/2020

I wrote this almost a year ago and i still find myself struggling to commit to this habit. so here is a reminder to myself :

Last year, on July 25th, I joint the Meditation Class Session from The Golden Space Indonesia (TGSI) from 10am to 6pm. It was a non-stop session and it was super relaxing.

It was my 2nd time join Mr. Bagia’s session and I always feel healing and more calm after joining the session. The other classes were so fun and amazing as well. I love all sessions.

After joining the session, I feel better. My emotion and feeling feel great. I think I need to practice meditation regularly for better impact.

Meditation is a good habit to talk with ourself. To become mindful and to stay present. I know that sometimes, I can’t help to feel worried about the future or feel sad about what happened in the past. And by doing this kind of exercice, I feel better and relieved.

I’m a very reactive person, but I learn to be more patient. I learn that by breathing in and out, it gives me time to think clearly. No need to rush things because we’re imperfect and it’s okay.

Emotion or energy in motion is a new concept that I realize from this session. Our emotion is eternal, so when we feel something is real. We need to acknowledge and accept the feeling. It will stay as it is and we can’t change it. But, Energy can be transferred or transformed. Our negative thoughts and emotions are bad for our body, mind and soul. So, in order to have healthy self, we need to transformed this negatives energy. Otherwise, we’ll transfer it to our surroundings in a form of anger, complaints, or that toxic words/thoughts. That’s why it’s important to identify our emotion and deal with it in healthy way.

I ain’t perfect myself. I’m still trying to find the way to calm myself, especially in stormy days or when I have to deal with difficult situations. And I find that this meditation might help me to transform myself. To become a better person. To be a better human being. My goal in life now is to have meaningful, purposeful and grateful life. And I think this habit can help me to reach the goal.

I’m not good at committing to things, but I hope, I can do this habit regularly and have the good vibes from it. Wish me luck!  

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